Comments on: Handling The Fear Human Behavior Expert Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:25:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debby Fri, 14 Nov 2008 00:30:24 +0000 Hi Patrick,
I read your newsletters religiously; they all help me in one way or another to understand the emotions that I experience during many circumstances that have occured in my life, and I thank you for them……in the last newsletter regarding How To Handle Fear….you said that “fear does not exist; it is not tangible, you cannot hold it; it is a thought………..through isn’t that true with with most emotions? Is Love not real? it is not tangible, yet it is felt very deeply…..and hate…….that’s also intangible, but is felt very strongly by many people. Should we believe that because something is not tangible, that it does not exist?

I am very deeply in love with someone right now, and I know it’s real because of how I feel…….I also have a strong fear regarding a different situation in my life…….and I believe that it’s real as well. How can love be real and intangible, yet fear is not real?

I read the 5 steps to conquor fear, and even though they make sense, and even though I have accepted the fact that I will experience sadness and pain, I feel that if I follow through with what I need to do……which is what I fear,……that I will be a much happier person……so, knowing all of this, why is taking the steps so difficult for me? I cannot figure out what is holding me back……..
