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Another Reason Why Men Won’t Commit

Another Reason Why Men Won't Commit
Another Reason Why Men Won't Commit
Another Reason Why Men Won’t Commit

Men are portrayed as idiots -and it’s damaging relationships

For a long time women have complained of the male fear of commitment. And now the mass media is exacerbating the problem by portraying relationships that are turning men off commitment.

In advertisements and in the most popular sitcoms such as Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond, the “new man” is a portrayed as a buffoon. This is part of the new negative representation of fathers, husbands and men in the mass media.

If men are being portrayed as a powerless idiot, contributing nothing to the household except as the money provider, what message does this send to men? What subliminal effect is this having on men and commitment?

Patrick Wanis is a therapist, human behavior expert and better-life coach. Patrick has authored various books on love, happiness and relationships. Patrick is the perfect expert to intelligently answer audience questions and offer insights into the impact of the media’s new male stereotypes:

  • Male fear of commitment
  • New male and female expectations of each other
  • The negative impact on relationships
  • The negative impact on families
  • The loss of a sense of individuality for males

If you are looking for a dynamic, polished, entertaining, charismatic expert with loads of personality, an Australian accent and a phenomenal sense of humor, Patrick Wanis is your expert.

Update: Read articles by Patrick Wanis:

Women are taking over

How stupid are men?

What women look for in a man

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