
Self Defeating Behavior Assessment

Emotional Assessment Comic

Do you feel like you are living your full potential or are you holding yourself back?

We all have subconscious beliefs and fears which run us – our internal software – most of which we are not even consciously aware.

This assessment measures the extent to which you are engaging in self-defeating or self-limiting behavior.

It has been designed with only one intention: to help you; to help you become aware of the ways you are living your life. From there, you will have conscious options and strategies to change and redesign your life as you choose!

The assessment is for your eyes only. It is a completely anonymous and private assessment.

After you take the assessment you will immediately receive a percentage score and a brief explanation of the scores.

Thank you and I look forward to working with you personally to achieve the results you desire!


I accept all the terms and conditions

• Please use Google Chrome to take this survey. •