Comments on: Speak Your Truth Human Behavior Expert Thu, 16 Aug 2018 11:30:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nancy Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:14:09 +0000 I agree but there should be a balance. Obviously we shouldn’t speak every truth. You look fat in those jeans, should be couched and the like. ;D

By: Patrick Wanis Thu, 24 Sep 2009 14:53:52 +0000 In reply to Linda.

Dear Linda,
thanks for the compliments and I am sincerely enthused that you enjoy my Success Newsletters. You mentioned that you have been receiving them since January 2009 and if you choose to do so, you can read all of the other letters archived here that date back a few years.
All the best,

By: Linda Thu, 24 Sep 2009 04:24:07 +0000 I couldn’t agree more. Patrick, I have been receiving your newsletters since January 2009 and I am blown away. I am truly grateful for your insight. It always resonates with me.
Keep up the great work.

By: Alli Wed, 23 Sep 2009 19:48:14 +0000 Excellent post! Being true to ourselves is the way to go! Maybe other people will hate us for it, but then again if they do, it’s probably because we’re out of their control and manipulation (or they want us to be part of the miserable herd, lol). We are free !

I’ve realized a lot of the time when I haven’t been assertive to tell someone who’s treated me badly, No, or if I just let that behavior slide and was amicable, I came out of the situation mad. Mad at the other person, of course. But even MADDER AT ME because I didn’t give myself the respect and honor that I deserved, and sacrificed it to be “nice” to the other person. There’s nothing wrong about being “nice” but if it’s always as a sacrifice because it’s undeserved or just not something you feel, it’s not good energy.

I decided recently that if I’m not doing something with good energy behind it, then I probably should rethink it.

I agree that part of the problem is we fear confrontation in this culture. We fear the reaction of when we say NO. And that’s probably because we don’t know how to get angry in our society without it escalating…. This is why learning how to talk assertively with neutral words is important. Meryl Runion has written some good books on this topic on how to say what you mean without being mean when you say it. (I have no affiliation financial or otherwise with her, but I just wanted to share what I’ve found helpful.)
