Comments on: What a guy’s bad habit says about him Human Behavior Expert Sun, 20 May 2018 15:11:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:41:28 +0000 this site wouldn’t let me leave the same message in 2 places but…
Well, I am rolling around laughing!! Where are the real men here in this blog? All I see is little boys whining because their fragile egos have been bruised!!I guess their egos are bigger than their brains and much bigger than their p…..s. Wow!! Talk about wimpy men. We all know bad habits are bad habits no matter guy or gal but seriously boys, grow some balls! Now maybe you men get it why there are so many lesbians and why we turn to women. You’re not men! Where are the real men who don’t whine, complain or cry like little 2 yr olds? I am guessing that these cry babies run to mommy for every little thing…i’d never depend or turn to any of the men on this blog for protection. i’d get better from a butch lesbian!!!…jus sayin…

By: Kathy Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:36:37 +0000 Well, I am rolling around laughing!! Where are the real men here in this blog? All I see is little boys whining because their fragile egos have been bruised!!I guess their egos are bigger than their brains and much bigger than their p…..s. Wow!! Talk about wimpy men. We all know bad habits are bad habits no matter guy or gal but seriously boys, grow some balls! Now maybe you men get it why there are so many lesbians and why we turn to women. You’re not men! Where are the real men who don’t whine, complain or cry like little 2 yr olds? I am guessing that these cry babies run to mommy for every little thing…i’d never depend or turn to any of the men on this blog for protection. i’d get better from a butch lesbian!!!…jus sayin…

By: Angry One Wed, 26 Jan 2011 19:00:21 +0000 No, I wont read your article, as by doing this you artficially pump up the hit counter on your website and the article itself, especially when I can already guess you are using some sort of bad phallic symbology as the source of your article. Symbology only works when everyone believes it. The fact is simple – you have created a media niche and are using it to continue to fund your bogus science. You are a perfect example of the degradation of society. You aren’t an expert and I hesitate to call you doctor. I will waste no more time on you.

By: Michael Wed, 26 Jan 2011 18:42:16 +0000 Dear Patricia or I mean Patrick

I would like to tell you that you get paid to much to look into things way to much. I wrote all of this once but I guess because I cussed in it your site won’t post it. How many women have you actually been out with in your life. For one thing I am a construction worker and I know I cuss a lot, however I also know many women who make me sound like an angel. For another thing most of these habbits come out of 2 factors. 1 the guy is just lazy and 2 the guy really doesn’t care what the woman thinks. Or combination of both. Now coming from a guy who does open doors for ladies. For the most part the only women who even notice are the elderly women. Many women now days don’t like a guy who is nice to them. You like your phrases from what I have been reading. Well have you heard this one “Nice guys finish last”. Well that applies to getting a woman also I know this from experince also. And crushing cans well I crush them because in saves space in the recycling bin. Which is what you are supposed to do. As far as ice goes I don’t use ice so I don’t know, but I have always heard that chewing ice which again many women do, means that you are sexually deprived. So maybe people use it as a singal to their mate is stead of this macho BS you right of. The loud eatting again many women do this and it is a major turn off for me. Would you like to know why. Because when I was a kid my dad always yelled at us kids for doing it, so I learned not to at a very early age. The other reason is I don’t need to see the food in my dates mouth while she is chewing it. So again your whole macho reasoning is blown out of the water because I was raised by the machoest of macho that right the US Military. My father was a lifer. The picking your nose thing. Here’s a study for you it was on a radio show once. And when I heard it I started looking when driving as your are passing cars or vise versa 1 in I forget think 10 people will be picking their nose and it is true. It does not seperate men from women. Everyone in the world does it. Bitting nails many woman do this also. Actually I think I know more women who do it more than guys. Procrastinating is also both sexs and I think has more to do with your up bringing and also what you are procasting has to do with. Everyone runs into something in there life that they don’t want to do for whatever reason. Leaving the dishes, again many women do it also thats why the dishwasher was invited. Now I started one for women for you on my FB page. The first is I find it annoying when a women always wants the light off or dimmed very low during sex. The second I find it annoying how women always lie by wearing make up, push up bras, padded bras etc;. The third I find it annoying when the are busy watching these stupid reality shows then have the nerve to say they don’t have time to workout in their day. Fourth I find it annoying to have to see their tampon/pad and dusche commercials on TV. Fifth I find it annoying that they use their period for an excuse to be a complete B****. I will let you do your supposed research for the rest.

By: Andrew Wed, 26 Jan 2011 18:25:39 +0000 When I read this short article I immediately thought of my significant other. And yes she is a female. These things always lead to fights when she doesn’t seem to get and understand that she does these thing and worse that make me have to leave a room to calm down from her doing what she complains about.

1) She always has to call her mother to complain about everything and twists what happened to favor what she thinks happened. It strains the relationship between “in-laws” and the man in the relationship.

2) Don’t even get me started on dishes. She likes to make something and eat half of it. Guess where the other part goes? The plate goes onto the counter and sits. I come home and rinse off her dishes and put them in the sink and before I get a chance to put them into the dishwasher I was emptying she says, “why can’t you just put them into the dishwasher after you are done with them?” “And why don’t you ever do the dishes?” OMG that kills me! What does that mean about a female?

3)Opening doors for her is what I always do but for some reason when I have my hands full and want to get into the apartment it is apparently a big deal to get up off the couch to let me in.

4) Picking her nose is another thing I think she does and not knowing it. And putting the palm of her hand on the end of her nose and rubbing her nose in a circular motion and I can hear snot squishing around in her nose! OMG AGAIN!

5)I just recently started cussing towards her because she seems to think it is ok to do to me, which seems childish I know but it makes me feel better to let her know what she does isn’t ok or good manners.

6) She also goes to school and waits to the last minute to do her homework online…30 minutes before it has to be submitted through her online portal when she had all day and possibly most of the week on some assignments.

7) And my greatest irritant is slurping!!!!! She likes to slurp up pop out of the can like it is going to run away! Every “SIP” I hear her vacuum lips start sucking a mile away from the can! Same with cereal and many other things that may need mind numbing slurping!!

8) She also refuses to rinse down her hair after she is done brushing it at the sink. I would rather have her clean it out and put it in the trash or better yet flush it, because no guest needs to see a nasty hair ball in the trash! I have left a friends house for that very same thing.

So all in all what does this say about the women and the apparent need to project negative comments about some guy habits that the themselves do at a more troubling level? The only thing out of all this list of bad habits that I do is sometimes leave the toilet seat open and cuss when she does. If you could please open up the discussion for a real discussion and let us know what it means when women do the same things only worse.

Thank you,

By: JMX Wed, 26 Jan 2011 18:05:51 +0000 Very good. No doubt, it could apply to both sexes, but from a guy’s perspective, it goes into the psyche of men. I too have some of these bad habits, and honestly, the reasoning behind them is completely true. I also can admit this, and not deny the truth like everyone else seems to. Anyways, nice job. Great article.

By: Michael Wed, 26 Jan 2011 17:45:18 +0000 I think your article is full of shit. I think you suppsed doctors get paid to much to look in to stuff to much. Here are the many causes of these habbits. The man is either lazy or just plain out doesn’t give a fuck about the women thinks. Did that ever run through you head. And I know many women who do these things you speak of more than men. I don’t use ice because I work outside doing physical and mental labor so I am use to warm drinks. And as far as crushing cans I do it but it is because it saves space in the recycling bin. I guess you never though of that either. And many women don’t like to have doors opened for them. The most of them that even notice or care are elderly women. I know this because I open doors for women. How about doing this for women I have already started it for you on my FB page. My name is Michael Koston there are only two people with my name including me. Mine has a picture of Pittsburgh with the Steeler Emblem in the moon. You will have to friend request me though.

By: Michael Wed, 26 Jan 2011 17:11:48 +0000 The issue of not opening doors is interesting but I fear that Mr. Wanis fails on this. With the beginning of the “Womens Movement” certain actions of men became verboten. One was – and for many women – and still is opening and holding a door. On more than one occasion I’ve been berated by women by opening or holding open a door. To them my gesture implied I felt they were not my equal. Women may want to have it both ways but many men are often whipsawed by women. On other occasions I’ve offered to pay for dinner but again I was berated. It seems that in some instances men can’t satisfy a woman.

By: Frank Savage Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:40:20 +0000 In regards to the toilet seat issue. I put both the seat and the lid back down. I grew up in a home with a number of females, all of whom thought they should never have to touch the toilet seat, but expected men to raise it before and then lower it after using the facilities.

Personally, I think what’s good for the gander is also good for the goose. If men are expected to manipulate the seat before using the toilet, women should not complain about having to put the seat down. Women expect men to help with the dishes and other household chores but also expect their men to perform outside, dirty, strenuous, uncomfortable chores without the females offering to help.

Ladies, you want it both ways and that isn’t fair.

By: jASPER Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:26:00 +0000 I agree with most posted here, this article is just garbage. Patrick Wanis must be a male-feminist. Men are not perfect but neither are women. We are all just human. To use a quote, Patrick: “Grow a pair” and stop pandering to the feminists.

By the way, everybody: LEAVE THE TOILET SEAT UP. It’s a sign of courtesy from the woman to the man.
