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Category: Blogroll

We Are All Grieving – Beware of These 7 Dangerous Myths

The pandemic has resulted in huge losses and major changes for all of us – lifestyle, work, job, career, finances, routine, stability, security, the former sense of safety & control, freedom, independence, human interactions, human connection & touch, meaning and purpose, dreams, ambitions, and life goals. We all are experiencing some form of grief and at various intensities. Grief can include feelings of being alone & unsupported, numbness, heaviness, guilt, sadness, confusion, anger, loneliness, relief, disconnection, hopelessness, and meaninglessness.

How To Become Resilient In Spite Of Everything

Resiliency is your ability to bounce back from setbacks, disappointments and failures, and to do so with new wisdom, new insights and with added motivation. Resiliency can be developed and enhanced. Most people simply doubt themselves and their ability to bounce back!

Can You Still Find Hope & Meaning Now? Here Is How

You have the ability, power and capacity to decide in every single moment who and what you will be; you get to decide what meaning you are going to give to your life. You and only you, decide what is meaningful & consequential and what is meaningless and of no importance.

How To Overcome Loneliness – In 4 Steps

Loneliness is the feeling of being disconnected, separate, isolated, or even feeling like you’re an outsider. Loneliness is different to feeling alone. You could be physically alone in a room and not feel lonely, or you could be in a room full of people and still feel lonely.

How Rejection Causes Pain In Your Body – The Physiological Impact Of Rejection

However, stress and over-stimulation of the vagus nerve can create neck pain, tension headaches, chest pain, stomach pain, nausea, etc. Further, shallow breathing, fear, stress and anxiety all negatively impact the vagus nerve and, in turn, result in all sorts of bodily imbalances – pains, indigestion, bladder problems, low or high blood pressure, fainting, and so forth.

Coronavirus – Fight, Flight Or Freeze – How Are You Responding?

If you respond with fear, then you will potentially be panicking and hallucinating about all of the worst possible scenarios and outcomes. You might be in an emotional state of anxiety. That might be manifested with you becoming obsessive, ruminating and constantly consumed and controlled by the desperate urge to read and watch everything on the news about the virus and pandemic.