eBooks – Patrick Wanis https://www.patrickwanis.com Human Behavior Expert Fri, 30 Apr 2021 05:36:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 https://www.patrickwanis.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/cropped-fav-32x32.png eBooks – Patrick Wanis https://www.patrickwanis.com 32 32 Get What You Want! – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/get-what-you-want-ebook/ Thu, 26 Dec 2013 13:52:57 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=167 Get What You Want! - ebook by Patrick Wanis

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Get What You Want

The following is the contents list from Patrick Wanis’ book,
“Get What You Want!” Copyright WOW Media 2006.

This ebook is also available as an AUDIO book, read by Patrick Wanis.

See also Patrick’s book Get the man you WANT!”  Available as an AUDIO book. 

Will you be stopped –
or will nothing stop you?

What do you want from life? Self-esteem, supreme confidence, more money, wealth, health, love, joy, better and more rewarding relationships, a better job, financial freedom, inner peace, the ability to overcome crippling habits, personal power.  Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the haves and the have-nots, the successful people and the failures? Is it chance, luck, timing, favorable circumstances, contacts and connections, will power, advantages of birth, fate, destiny or some secret gift or power?

What would you say if I were to tell you that you have the power to create your destiny and obtain anything you want, and that you have been already using this power to create your present circumstances and everything you have in your life?

Maybe you have already heard it said that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life but has anyone ever taught you how to create what you want?

What I am about to share with you in this book is the greatest and most powerful secret in existence. This secret and its associated techniques are the ones used by the most successful people in history.

The techniques, revelations and information in this book are based on decades and decades of research into the mind, human behavior and the habits and strategies of the most successful people. It also draws upon the skills and principles behind hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (used to change beliefs, behavior and results.) In this book I teach you the technique to master your mind and attract into your life everything you want. It doesn’t matter what your present situation is or how many times you might have failed in the past, with a simple technique that takes a matter of minutes of daily practice, you will transform your life and get what you want.

Let’s begin first by identifying what you want.

-By Patrick Wanis
WOW Media, 2006



Author’s Note                              6

What Do You Want?                    9

Everything is Energy                    15

The Power of Belief                      22

Mastering Your Mind                    29

Visualizing Your Success             39

Overcoming Fear                         49

Love and Relationships                 55

Creating Wealth                           65

Your Daily Program                      70

Sharing Your Gifts                        72

Visualize It                                  75


If you decide to get what you want, then you must first be clear about what you want.

We experience life in four realms: Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual. Establishing your goals and intentions in all of these areas leads to deep satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness…

Here is a simple exercise comprised of four parts that I give to clients that will help to identify what you want and to confirm that what you say you want is your deep desire and passion…

Fear is what holds us all back. When we can conquer fear, we can have whatever we want. Later in this book, I teach you how to conquer fear.

To get what you want will require devotion, dedication and commitment to the practice of the technique I am about to share with you. Therefore, the single factor that will determine your commitment is your passion. In other words, the answer to why you want something is more important than the answer to how you will get it.

Another simple exercise to assist you in determining if you have passion for the things you claim you want…


Science tells us that everything in the universe is made up of atoms. And inside each atom are electromagnetic charges –protons, electrons and neutrons. And in groups, atoms form molecules. Therefore, everything is energy and is in constant vibration….

Calories are the measurement of the energy value of food, and science measures how much energy we burn when we are at rest and when we exercise.

Everything we see can be measured as vibrational energy –as frequency…

Our energy affects others and the energy of others affects us…

Our thoughts and beliefs are also energy. They attract similar energy and because everything is energy, our thoughts and beliefs impact the world around us.

The two worlds
We often think of ourselves as victims, powerless over what happens to us, believing that life happens to us and we have nothing do with it. To our senses it appears that luck, fate, and chance determine what occurs in our life.

Is that the truth? Are we separate from our lives? Do we have no control over what happens to us?

There are two worlds –The Outer World and The Inner World. For example…

This story is an example of the interaction between The Inner World (our emotions and thoughts) and The Outer World (physical occurrences and events)…

We are constantly living in reaction to what happens in the outer world…

We can only experience and feel happiness, confidence and fear in our inner world –our emotions and consciousness. In other words, our inner world is…

True personal power begins when we can control our inner world, when we can control the way we react, think and feel to what happens outside of us…

And yes, the outer world does affect our inner world but the greatest news, the secret, is that our inner world also affects our outer world, what we experience and create in our life.


My first insight into the power of the mind began when I was performing stage hypnosis shows. I witnessed amazing feats by my hypnotized volunteers. In an instant, they would change their physical state. With just a simple suggestion from me, hypnotized volunteers would be drunk, laugh uncontrollably or eat a raw onion without crying or cringing – I told them it was a peach. That was the key: their belief.

By hypnotizing these people, I tapped directly into their subconscious mind, changed their beliefs for the duration of the show, and thus created a new reality for each one of them. I use the same process of hypnosis for clients who want to make permanent changes in their lives. Later, I this book I show you how to tap into your subconscious mind, change your inner world of thoughts and beliefs and get what you want.

Breaking limits
On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister ran the first sub-four-minute mile in recorded history. From that day onwards, many people have run the four-minute-mile. Why? Because they believed they could.

What do you believe about yourself?

Curing yourself
Norman Cousins was stricken with a crippling and life-threatening collagen disease. He made a miraculous recovery by….

Healing yourself physically & motionally
Louise Hay is an author, teacher and speaker who cured herself of cancer. Louise says we create our reality based on our thoughts and beliefs about what we deserve. Louise had a tormented upbringing….

All of the above cases are examples of how the inner world affects the outer world, and how each person is able to change their outer world, their reality, by changing their inner world.

Manifesting money
Jim Carrey is the highest paid comic of all time. Back in 1987, Carrey was just a struggling comic…

…he wrote himself a check for $20 million. He dated it Thanksgiving 1995, and when Cable Guy was released in 1996, Carrey was paid $20 million for his role.

How did Carrey manifest the money? Was it luck or coincidence? As you will see, Carrey tapped into the enormous power of the subconscious mind.


Change your beliefs and you change your reality. Jim Carrey created new thoughts, beliefs and visualization regarding what he is paid and what he is worth. Jim Carrey was reprogramming his subconscious mind. This is what hypnosis does: it reprograms your subconscious mind and…

In this section, I teach you how to take charge of your mind and reprogram it to get what you want.

Tend to your garden
The human mind is primarily made up of the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is your analytical ability or filter. The subconscious is the seat of emotions, controlling your heart, digestion, circulatory and nervous systems.

The thoughts and beliefs stored in your subconscious mind determine how you feel and how you act. Here’s how you can plant new thoughts and change your old negative beliefs so that you can get what you want…

The process of manifestation works with three steps…

Beliefs form your experience
A belief is not an absolute truth. It is a thought, an interpretation of reality. It is neither good nor bad. It is simply empowering or disempowering. Thoughts are just thoughts (i.e. you can change them) but sustained thoughts will create according to their type…

Here’s how to change them…

The key to getting what you want, once you know exactly what you want, is to…

The fastest way to do this is through hypnosis, which accesses the subconscious mind. You can achieve the same result on your own by…

Ask -and you shall receive
The concept that your inner world of beliefs creates your outer world is not new. It has been around a very long time. Two thousand years ago, Jesus said: “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Put simply, whatever you ask and believe you will receive.

Origins of your beliefs
How did we come about to plant the seeds and weeds that are in our garden? Was it chance?

Beliefs are formed by one of two ways…

Now as an adult you can take deliberate control of what is planted in your garden. Now is the time to change your beliefs, seeds and weeds to get what you want. We can use the same technique that created our initial limiting beliefs to create our new desired empowering beliefs.

Creating new beliefs
An exercise to change what you believe about yourself, your self-worth and what you deserve…

Planting new seeds
Take your list of new intentions and beliefs and….

…Most people who try affirmations fail because…

The key to success is…



The subconscious mind operates with pictures and symbols. It takes every thought, turns it into a picture and sends messages to the body…

Visualizing your goals turns them into a reality because it works four ways…

Making it real
A detailed explanation of how to use the Creative Visualization Technique to create your reality and get what you want.

Be careful not to…

Emotionalize what you visualize
The key to the success of this exercise is the…

Begin by allowing five minutes each day to…

Reaping the rewards
A case study of a client who used these techniques and within a couple of months went from being a mechanic to landing his dream job traveling as a graphic artist for large-scale corporate shows.

The Great trickster
John Kehoe, author of Mind Power –into the 21st Century, coined the term The Great Trickster when referring to the human mind. John says that our mind fools, limits and deceives us in various ways…

Later, I outline specific techniques to help conquer fear.

Eliminating negative thoughts
The Great Trickster will do its best to bombard you with negative thoughts…

Here are four powerful and effective techniques to eliminate negative thoughts. Choose the one that excites you and apply it whenever the Great Trickster rears its ugly head. Be aware, it will do so, right when you least expect it, right at the critical time when you need positive reinforcement to face a new challenge…


Fear is the greatest killer of all human potential. Fear is what stops us from even trying to get what we want. Fear stands between us and everything we want out of life.

Fear, though does not exist.

Fear is simply a thought, a very powerful thought. Fear is the anticipation of pain…

…fear is always set in the future. We cannot experience fear in the present moment.

Fear comes from The Great Trickster
If we were to listen to fear, we would never attempt anything in life.

Obviously one of the ways to conquer fear is to…

A power greater than Fear

Here are six simple techniques to select from when you are faced with fear…

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face” (Eleanor Roosevelt).


The power behind this technique is that you can use it get what you want in any area of your life. You can use it to improve your existing relationship or to get the love or ideal partner that you want.

Clarity is power
When you know exactly what you want it is easy to find it because you know what you are looking for and you can quickly identify it when it passes before your eyes. Clarity about what you want is power because you can stop wasting your time when you are presented with something that you instantly know you do not want. Accept only the best –and no less…

See also Wanis’ new hypnosis audio program “Feel Good About Yourself!” It works on releasing subconscious blocks to your goals and desires –be they ideal weight, money, health, love, joy or success. It reinforces at a very deep level that you deserve the best and you deserve to be happy, successful and be free to express yourself. It will also raise your self-esteem, confidence and self-worth and helps to remove subconscious motives and beliefs that lead to self-sabotage.

The five key steps to determine who is your perfect match and how to attract him or her into your life…

Attracting your perfect match
You now have a strong profile of your ideal partner or perfect match, and you know exactly what he or she will look like. The next step is to…

Set aside 5 minutes each day to…


Now that you understand that we create our own reality, that we are responsible for everything that happens to us, then you understand that money or the lack of it is not the problem, it is simply the symptom of another problem: your limiting, negative thoughts and beliefs. Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. To change our results, we must change our thoughts.

Changing your mind about money
What do you believe about money? Is it easy to get or hard to come by? Is money the root of all evil? Can a spiritual person also be rich? Do you deserve to be rich and wealthy?

To change your beliefs about money, you must first uncover what they are. I suggest the following exercise….

Based on your childhood experiences you subconsciously made associations, conclusions and generalizations about money, life, the world and what you deserve.

Some simple exercises that to identify your associations with money.
Write down….

Now combine these four answers with the earlier exercise (what you saw, heard and experienced with money) and write a complete list of all of your beliefs about money and wealth. Now write out your five key beliefs regarding money.
Now take the five key negative beliefs you have and turn each one of them around. For example…

Take all the new positive, empowering beliefs and use them in your daily exercise.


At the beginning of this book, I asked, “Will you be stopped -or will nothing stop you?”

Many people, even those who are clear about they want, never get what they want out of life because they might be well aware of the secrets and techniques to getting what they want but fail to apply and practice them. These techniques are not philosophies. They are designed to be practiced -daily. If your desire is to get results, then practice them daily.

Here is my Daily Program that I have created and use to condition my mind for love, success and happiness…

Take small steps each day and become dedicated to the practice of these techniques to change your inner world and you will reap the rewards in the outer world.

You will produce spectacular results in your life. Let nothing stop you from being, doing and having what you want.


You are now clear about what you intend to create in your life and you now hold in your hands the secrets of how to make it your reality.

There is one final secret key ingredient to getting what you want, everything that you want.  And this missing piece is the guarantee that you will also be able to fully enjoy the harvest of your garden, feeling deeply satisfied.

Here then is the final key…


Inspirational and insightful quotations…
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.”
– Proverbs 23:7

“We are what we think.  All that we are arises with our thoughts.  And with our thoughts, we make our world.”
– Buddha


About The Author


The post Get What You Want! – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

Find Love Fast – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/find-love-fast-ebook/ Thu, 26 Dec 2013 09:51:42 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=187 Find Love Fast ebook instant download as PDF

The post Find Love Fast – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

Find Love Fast

Gain more self-confidence, raise your self-esteem…find love now!

The following is the contents list from Patrick Wanis’ book, Find Love Fast! ©  WOW 2006.


Can you remember a time when you were truly happy, when you felt high, excited and enthusiastic about life? Can you remember a time when you looked at the world with glowing eyes, with exhilaration and passion?

Most likely it was a time when you were in love.

While many things such as a dream car, house, job, clothing or toys can excite us for a while, nothing can make our heart and soul sing like love can.

It is love that brings us to life, arousing us and making us feel ecstatic. And when we feel we have lost that love or are without love, we feel despondent and nothing, not even those dream things can satisfy us. Losing love or being without love can also leave us feeling helpless and hopeless, thinking that we may never find love and joy again.

No matter where you are in your life right now, love is much closer than you think. Love is within your reach and you can find it again -fast.

In this book, I will help you to get clear on the love you are seeking and help you to remove the things that have been standing between you and love. I will show you how to find love and where to find it.  I will outline the way for you to find love fast.

First, I will begin by sharing two secrets that will change your life forever!


Find Love Fast©

-By Patrick Wanis

WOW Media, 2005

Table of contents

A Natural High – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  7

The Secrets – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  9

The Blocks – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  18

Bye-Bye Guilt? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  28

Shine The Light? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 36

Victims – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — –  47

Who Do You Love? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 59

Where Is My Love? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 63

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone – Now – – – –  – – –  67

Open Up Your Heart – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  74

About The Author – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  76



One of my clients, Jill, came to me in desperation. After three years, Robert, her partner walked out on her. She was confused and deeply hurt. “I did nothing wrong. I loved him so much. I did everything he wanted. I gave everything to him. I cooked and cleaned for him. I know that no one will ever love Robert the way I did…”

Why would someone walk out on his partner if she loved him so much? Why would someone walk out if that person did everything he wanted?

Ironically, the mistake Jill made was that she did everything he wanted!

You might ask, “What is wrong with that?”

Robert walked out on Jill, because she…

Here then is Secret Number 1…


Have you ever met or know someone that is desperate and clingy? How do you feel around that person?…

We are sending out messages and signals all the time, even when we are not consciously aware of it…

What kind of message and signals are you sending out to the people around you?

We cannot make anyone love us and we can easily push someone away from us…

This point leads us to the second secret…


As a Human Behavior Expert and Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have found that one of the most powerful obstacles to finding love and seeing the beauty within us is our focus on our guilt and shame…
Guilt and shame are not mutually exclusive although I believe they are best explained as separate…

Probably every one of us has some guilt, some regret for something we did wrong at some time in our lives. Some of us though have deep guilt that controls our lives. If you suffer from guilt, there is a good chance that you also tend to use guilt on others…

Who we are today is the result of our programming – everything we have learned, experienced and concluded to be true about us and the world. The largest portion of our programming – our personality, character and beliefs are formed during childhood…

If our parents repeatedly told us how much they love us unconditionally, how wonderful, talented and special we are, then we will grow up believing those things….

If, on the other hand, your parents repeatedly told you that you are a loser, stupid, dumb and will amount to nothing, then…

Criticism, condemnation and judgment are the most destructive words that parents can use on their children.

I grew up in a strict religious family. We were always striving to be better, to be perfect…

In business, it might be a good motto to strive to be better but, for a child that translates into not being good enough, never being able to measure up.

…My mistakes and failings turned into guilt and shame.

My guilt and shame resulted in unsatisfying relationships and a strong desire to hide and run away from relationships. The subconscious thought was…

Guilt and shame will translate into…

Until you can release the guilt and shame, you will not attract into your life the type of partner you ideally desire and you will not find love fast. So, how do we set ourselves free from guilt and shame?


As I explained earlier, guilt and shame stem from the judgments we make about ourselves.

There are four simple steps to releasing guilt and shame:

  1. Take responsibility
  2. Release the emotions
  3. Forgive
  4. Learn

Stop trying to be perfect. Be willing to accept that you…


If you were raised on a diet of criticism, condemnation and judgment, then you most likely focus on everything that is wrong with you. And you most likely do the same with all the people in your life, and they probably do the same back to you…

…Why then do we allow ourselves to accept people’s many other falsities about who we are?

Another way to view this point is that everything people say to you is a gift. You have the right to accept or refuse the gift.

Too often, we automatically believe and accept what people say to us as if they know us and have a right to make judgments and conclusions. What we fail to realize is that…

Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi was a 13th century Sufi mystic who composed thousands of passionate love poems, many while dancing in a circle to the beat of drums or the music of rushing water. Rumi wrote, “If you could see yourself through my eyes, you would realize how beautiful you are.”

A unique and powerful exercise that will leave you and the other person feeling special, renewed and touched at a deep level, and will strengthen and deepen your bond and connection…

Have you ever stopped to answer the questions, “Who are you? What makes you special and unique?”

In our present overly materialistic society it is easy for us to identify our self-worth with our job or possessions… It is easy for us to think that everything outside of us, everything we own determines whether we are valuable and special and whether we have anything to offer a potential partner…

Either way, the things we identify with quickly control us…

Here is a two-part exercise that will help you to get clear about who you are and what makes you special.



Many of us seek out love and a partner via trial and error. We get into a relationship and then gradually and painfully find out what we don’t want, what we will and won’t accept. Instead of then focusing on what we do want, we spend so much time and energy telling everyone what went wrong…

The irony is that the longer we choose to play the victim, the more we experience hardships, disappointments and let downs.

The first thing we need to do is to get out of the victim mode.

Let me use an example. Sally was in an abusive relationship…
As Sally and I worked together to release the pain, suffering, hurt, guilt, blame and shame from the initial events, Sally felt free and alive again. I also helped Sally to realize that true love is not attention from people who feel sorry and pity you. True love begins when you love and care about yourself. No one can love you more than you love yourself. We teach others how to treat us by what we allow them to do and how we treat ourselves. The more you love yourself, the more you can love others and the more others will love you. When you feel great about who you are, when you have compassion for your mistakes and shortcomings, and when self-love inspires and drives your daily thoughts and actions, you become an irresistible magnet that attracts love and joy.

It can be difficult initially to see how playing the victim, struggler or survivor only worsens our life and attracts even more bad things and events into our life.

A good friend of mine was diagnosed at an early age with breast cancer…

It is easy to fall into the trap of playing the role of a victim, survivor or struggler to get attention, love, pity or sympathy. And it can be just as easy to get out of the role once you realize you are playing it.

Take a look at your life. It is a mirror for what you believe about yourself?…

Questions to ask yourself…

…For example, maybe you need to forgive those people or forgive yourself. Maybe you need to release guilt or blame. Maybe you need to…


Now that you are freeing and opening up yourself to allow love into your life, the next step is to get clear about what type of love and partner you want and what you won’t accept.

Spend a moment reflecting on past relationships. Write out briefly what happened that broke each relationship….

The key to finding the love you want is to be clear about what you want and focus on what you want.

It is easy to forget that the main reason we seek out a partner and love is because we want to feel a certain way.


Now that you are clear about what type of person you want, what you will and won’t accept, and how you want to feel in this relationship, it is easier to determine where you might find him or her.

Depending on your vision, your potential partner might be at the ….

Here is a sample list of some of the venues you might consider visiting based on the qualities you are seeking.


You are working on releasing the obstacles to finding love, you know what you want and don’t want, and you have a good idea of where you might find him or her. There is now one final element required to Find Love Fast: Action!

…What prevents most of us from taking the steps to meet new people is fear – fear of intimacy and rejection.

There are five basic human emotions that drive our behavior: love, lust, fear, pleasure and hate. One of the most powerful motivators is fear – the fear of pain. But fear is…

The fear of rejection is one of the greatest fears we have as human beings. Studies reveal that the number one fear people have is public speaking. More people are scared of speaking publicly than dying. Why? They fear rejection, judgment and humiliation.

The fear of rejection is…

How to overcome rejection…

It is also vital to your self-confidence, self-esteem and emotional health to understand that…

I have many male clients who come to me confused and dejected, “I don’t get it. We had a great date. We were getting along so well, had such an amazing connection and now she won’t return my calls.” I answer them from my book, “What a Woman Wants.” …


You are wonderful, special and amazing. There is so much beauty and treasure within you. Shine the light on all that exists within you for others to see, feel and experience. Only when you can see and feel what you have to offer someone else will you allow someone else to see it.

Begin now to love and accept yourself. Forgive yourself and everyone else in your life so that you can set yourself free and open your heart to allow love into it. Let go of the many judgments and condemnations you have made about yourself and others. Let go of the judgments that others have made about you. Spend your time and energy focusing on what you want, how you want to feel and how you want to be treated.

Take responsibility for who you are and for everything that happens in your life. Do your best to make amends but do not blame and beat up yourself over the wrong things you have done. Remember that you are human and you and everyone else will make mistakes. Identify what you can change and learn from every experience.

Begin now to express yourself fully, freely and joyfully. Not everyone will like it and that is OK. The person who is able to like, love and accept you when you express yourself will be the one for you. Stop trying to please others and stop trying to continually gain their approval. Seek your own approval.

Be courageous. Step out of your comfort zone with excitement. Take action to meet people and remember, when you begin to shine with love, joy and enthusiasm you will automatically attract the love you have been seeking – and fast!

Read Patrick’ Wanis’ other book to help you find you find your soul mate.


Gain more self-confidence, raise your self-esteem… with Patrick’s Hypnosis audio program: “Feel Good About Yourself – And be more confident”


The post Find Love Fast – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

Hypnosis & The Science of Seduction – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/hypnosis-the-science-of-seduction/ Thu, 26 Dec 2013 09:44:02 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=157 Hypnosis & The Science of Seduction

The post Hypnosis & The Science of Seduction – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

Hypnosis & The Science of Seduction

The Pick-up Artist



One of the first questions men ask me when they learn that I am a hypnotist is “Do you use hypnosis to get girls?” How do you use hypnosis like a master pick-up artist? Of course, I do. And I am going to teach you how to do the same thing and, how to apply it for success in every area of your life.

Have you ever wondered why and how average looking guys get gorgeous girls and how they seem to do it so easily? And these guys are not hypnotists, or are they?

The secrets I reveal in this book will enable you to meet, date and please women. It doesn’t matter where you are right now, you will be transformed if you follow these techniques.

It won’t matter if you are rich or famous, though women will treat you as if you were. Nor do you have to have greater-than-average intelligence, though you’ll feel as if you’ve become a dating genius. All you need are a few key secrets based on scientific principles that a few select experts know, and that most men unfortunately never learn.

These techniques will save you so much time, hard work, frustration and rejection. After learning them, you can quickly adapt them to every area of your life. You will have success not just with the women you choose, but also success in love, relationships, career and money.

I will also teach you a quick and powerful technique to gain supreme confidence. And as you continue to learn and exercise your abilities, your skills will grow and mature. Soon you’ll discover that you’re meeting and dating women you never imagined would even notice you. Most important of all, they will treat you better than you have ever been treated and you will have much more fun, joy, romance and sex in your relationships.

I’ll show you methods that will not only increase your self-confidence, but also teach you how to inspire women to have confidence in you and see you as the confident successful person you are about to become. Whether at a social gathering or on the job, this book will show you how to make a positive impression on every woman you meet, and how to connect with her at a deep level.

I call these techniques “ Self-Actualizing Hypnosis ” which means you are activating within you the powers of hypnosis. The process builds upon a power of the mind that all human beings possess but often fail to exercise because they’re totally unaware of what it is or how it works.

A select few men have already exploited Self-Actualizing Hypnosis -even if they don’t have a name for it. These men have been employing it throughout history to meet, date, and even seduce women. Self-Actualizing Hypnosis really does work. It works like nothing you’ve ever seen before, unless you’ve happened to be around someone using it.

Self-Actualizing Hypnosis works three ways. It transforms:

  1. How you perceive and feel about yourself
  2. How others perceive and feel about you
  3. Your results

Self-Actualizing Hypnosis is a powerful force that will cause women to perceive you as someone they would like to get to know better, much better. When combined with the techniques I will teach you in the chapter on The Science Of Seduction , many women, regardless of their beauty or wealth, will be instantly attracted to you, and some women will simply not be able to resist you.

This sounds like magical or supernatural powers and it will seem that way when you use it. Remember, everything you’ll read in the following pages is based on principles that require a small effort on your part but reap huge rewards. All it requires on your part is to apply yourself and to follow the techniques.

You’ll also discover that Self-Actualizing Hypnosis gives you confidence that extends into all areas of your life, at home, at work, with friends, in sport and social activities, and of course, when you are out looking to meet women. Once you start these Self-Actualizing Hypnosis exercises, you’ll probably discover women hitting on you even when you aren’t consciously trying to attract their attention.

As with any other talent, your Self-Actualizing Hypnosis skills will grow as you master them. The key is to be patient and keep working to fully develop and master your Self-Actualizing Hypnosis abilities so that you will unconsciously send out powerful messages that will attract women to you. Developing your full Self-Actualizing Hypnosis abilities may take at least several weeks. However, even during this developmental stage, you’ll likely discover that you’re dating more beautiful girls than you ever dreamed possible, although you’ve not yet fully developed all your abilities.

Persevere and you’ll soon discover that there is almost no limit to the dreams you can realize as you continue to develop and use these powers. Yes, you will need to work to put the techniques into practice. But you’ll find that the “work” is fun and the benefits are almost immediate. You’ll be motivated to continue to work at developing your talents until you become a “woman magnet” wherever you go.

You’ll amaze yourself as you discover that you are more than capable of meeting and dating whatever woman you choose. More importantly, I will teach you how to identify your ideal woman and how to get her. The key is to focus on what you want and not waste time on what you don’t want.

Now let’s begin the journey that will teach you how to tap into and unleash the full potential of your mind, talents and core essence.


Hypnosis & The Science of Seduction©

-By Patrick Wanis

WOW Media, 2005


Table of contents


Author’s Note – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 4

Mind Power – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 7

How The Mind Works – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 10

Self-Actualizing Hypnosis – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -16

What Do Women Want? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 23

How to Get The Woman You Want – – – – – – – – – – 30

Supreme Self-Confidence – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -44

The Science of Seduction – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 51

The Final Word – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -73

About The Author – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 74


The mind is an incredible machine with unlimited potential. Albert Einstein once said that he believed we were only tapping into about 10 percent of our brains potential. Of course, what he was referring to was the potential of our mind. Learning about how it works is the first step in learning how to use Self-Actualizing Hypnosis to get girls and anything else you want.

The conscious and subconscious mind
-Their roles and function

Mind over body
-The power of the mind to control the body

Raw onion
-An example of how hypnosis can convince someone eating a raw onion that it is a peach –and the volunteer doesn’t even cry



An explanation of how the human mind works and that contrary to popular belief, the truth is that our emotions are in control…
Imagination and thought
-Which is stronger?

How our thoughts and imagination control us and determine how we feel and respond

The inner voice
What do you tell yourself all day? Why it even matters

Self-talk, what it is and where it came from

Reprogramming the inner voice

Why we must change our inner voice if we want success in any area of our life

-Changing your self-image to win over women

A powerful tool
The science of hypnosis is being used to treat and cure a variety of physical and mental conditions.



The story of Roger Bannister ran the first sub-four-minute mile in recorded history.
The power of beliefs

How to change your beliefs

The three components of the technique of Self-Actualizing Hypnosis

How to apply Self-Actualizing hypnosis in every area of your life


The significance of knowing what women want in your quest to win over women
Answering the million dollar question of what women want

What are values?
Defining core values

Understanding how a woman’s values determines what kind of guy she will be attracted to

How values impact dating and a relationship



It is impossible to get what you want when you don’t know what you want, when you are not clear about what you want…In this chapter, I will help you to identify the ideal woman and how to get her.

The six keys to creating a successful, meaningful and fulfilling relationship

Searching for the woman
-tips on how and where to find your ideal woman

What do men want?
-Identifying the common things that men and women want in a relationship and the four key unique things that men want from women in a relationship

Relationship expectations
-Surprise results from a survey

Be a Man
-The one thing that will define you as a man to a woman



Confident men attract women because it makes women feel safe and secure. Women view confident men as being emotionally healthy and strong.

What is confidence?
What is arrogance?
Self-Actualizing Hypnosis and self-confidence

How imagination can empower or disempower you
A powerful seven-step technique to develop and unleash supreme self-confidence

Practice for success
How to use supreme self-confidence to win over and seduce women


How we communicate
-the power of non-verbal language

The five core steps of seduction
There is an art, a science to seduction. There are specific steps that one must follow to succeed with women. Here are the five as identified by…

-A thorough and detailed step-by-step explanation with examples of the process of how to seduce women…
What you are doing is a form of hypnosis whereby she is associating positive emotions with you. This is not manipulation. When people are in love, they do it all the time naturally. They do it with physical activities, through companionship and sharing of personal stories and emotions. What you are doing is speeding up the process. And remember, it wouldn’t be possible if there weren’t a mutual attraction.


Life is lived inside out. In other words, your inner world creates your outer world. Your dominant thoughts and beliefs determine your reality. If you can imagine and feel what you want then you will have it, and it will become real for you. By changing your thoughts and the pictures in your mind, you can change your results. By hypnotizing yourself to see and feel and believe the desired result, you will have what you want. This principle of Self-Actualizing Hypnosis applies to every area in your life: money, career, women, love, relationships, joy, happiness and fulfillment.

The key to using Self-Actualizing Hypnosis is to see, feel and believe who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have. Remember, you need to practice this daily, for at least thirty consecutive days. The result will be your inner and outer transformation. You will think differently about yourself, you will feel and be more confident and self-assured and you will easily have more women, more love and more success and more joy in your life. People will respond to you based on what you believe about yourself and the energy you now exude and emit.

Finally, whatever you focus on expands. Begin now to focus with intensity on what you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to have. And it shall be yours!

About Patrick Wanis


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Soul Mates – Find Your Perfect Match Now! – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/soul-mates-find-your-perfect-match-now/ Thu, 26 Dec 2013 05:27:18 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=161 Soul Mates -Find Your Perfect Match Now! by Patrick Wanis ebook

The post Soul Mates – Find Your Perfect Match Now! – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

Soul Mates – Find Your Perfect Match Now!

See also Patrick’s first Soul Mates book: “Soul Mates –Discovering, Sharing & Loving”  


Whether we consciously recognize it or not, our deepest desire is to love and be loved. Love nourishes the heart, mind, body and soul. It is the expression and experience of love for another human being that makes us feel truly alive, ecstatic, joyful and elated. It is love that awakens all of our senses and gives us the feeling of being complete.

Thus, many of us spend most of our lives looking for that love that we believe will complete us.  Some of us become despondent even desperate because we have not yet found that one person that we believe was destined to be with us, the one person who we expect will fill our every need, complete us and make us eternally happy –our soul mate and perfect match.

There is a soul mate, a perfect match for every one of us, and in this book I reveal the secrets to recognizing and finding your soul mate, your perfect match. I reveal that the only thing stopping you from finding your soul mate has been you and what you can do right now to find your perfect match and with it love and happiness.

Find Your Perfect Match Now.”
-By Patrick Wanis
WOW Media, 2005

Table of contents

Finding Love……………………………………..6

What is a Soul Mate?………………………..….8

Why Haven’t I Found my Soul Mate?…..…..13

Who Are You?……..…………………………………..21

Who is Your Soul Mate?…………………..…..30

Preparing for Your Soul Mate…….…….………37

You Are Worthy of Love………………………..47

Attracting Your Soul Mate…………….…..…….64

Questions and Answers………………………….67

Love Begins with Us ……………………….……..73

About The Author………………………..….…….77

What is the soul? What is the spirit?
There are three main definitions of soul mates:

All of the soul mate concepts have one thing in common…

In this book, we are dealing only with the romantic soul mate.

Why is it that some people so easily find their soul mate while others search desperately for theirs?

Do you believe that we create our own reality or that we are complete victims?
The power of beliefs. How to take charge of your world and reality.
The story of two inspirational people who changed their world by their choices, responses and beliefs.

Do you believe your present partner or past partners were chance relationships or did you somehow subconsciously attract them into your life? Is it possible that the people you have attracted into your life –romantic or other are a reflection of what you believe about yourself and the world around you?

Here is the powerful exercise that I created that helped me to identify my pattern and faulty beliefs and which I have used with many of my clients:

From your answers, can you see now what has been holding you back from finding your perfect match, your soul mate?

If you take a careful look, you will notice that we have been attracting into our life all those things and people that fit in with our beliefs.

The 3-Step Process for Behavioral Change

Later in this book, I show you how to change your beliefs. Now let’s continue the journey of discovery and awareness, unmasking what we want and who we truly are.

Ultimately we want to find our soul mate and perfect match so that we can experience, express love, grow and feel special.  What makes each one of us feel special varies for each one of us based on our individual value system.

Your Core Values
Establishing your core values: what is important in your life. Values vary from one person to another.

Below is a sample list of potential values. Write a list of your top ten values and prioritize them in order of importance.

The reason why so many people fail in relationships…

Most people are fooled into thinking all they need to do is to fall in love and the love or physical, chemical attraction will be enough to guarantee a successful relationship. False!

Let’s consider a few examples of people whose values clash…

It’s important to notice that the success index and values may change according to the age and life experiences of each person

Therefore each person’s individual values will determine his or her definition of success and what he or she looks for in a partner and relationship.

Always be on the lookout for a partner who has the same values and ideas of success as you do.

We can only begin to get what we want when we know what we want.

So let’s begin by getting a clear picture of whom your soul mate is. Let’s identify what traits your soul mate has (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.)

An exercise that helps you to clearly identify everything you would like in your partner –all of his or her qualities.
Here is a sample list of the top ten traits one man wants in his Soul Mate:

Now that you have your top ten list of what you want in a partner, read it daily, and memorize it. By focusing on the man (or woman) you want, you will attract him into your life. Remember, what you focus on expands.

Dominant thoughts are those that take up most of your time and energy; and they might be obsessive thoughts.

What are you thinking most of the day? Fearful thoughts? Loving thoughts? Empowering thoughts?

You might not even be aware of exactly what your dominant thoughts are. Most of our thoughts bypass our radar; we are on autopilot. Only when we stop and become consciously aware do we realize exactly what we are thinking.


Now there is one key piece missing from the puzzle: will your soul mate be attracted to you?

If you are not ready, even if you do meet your soul mate the relationship will quickly fail. For me it was never about meeting the right woman, it was about me becoming the right man.

Therefore to be ready for your soul mate or perfect match means to develop your self-worth, self-esteem and those qualities that will attract your soul mate to you.

Becoming aware of false expectations and playing roles that are disempowering or self-sabotaging…

The higher you raise your self-esteem and self-worth, the more you will attract your soul mate, your perfect match. Here are a couple of exercises designed to make you feel better about yourself, about who you are.

I teach my clients that the most positive emotion is that of gratitude. The most negative is revenge. Be also careful not to focus on what other people have and in turn, resent it. Allow yourself to express joy for other people’s success, love, wealth and happiness. Bless them and what they have. Your blessings of them will return to you.

Learn to allow yourself to accept and acknowledge your talents, gifts and successes. We all need to be appreciated. Begin with yourself.

Are you worthy? Do you believe you are worthy? And of what are you worthy? Do you deserve the best? Everything that we have in our lives, we have because we believe at a deep level that is what we deserve. We will not pursue something that we deep down believe we are not worthy of or, if we do achieve it, we will subconsciously sabotage it.

Many of us are so harsh, overcritical and highly judgmental of ourselves, believing that nothing we will ever do will ever be good enough.

The key is to become aware of what you say and think about yourself, all day long.

Our beliefs about ourselves, our worth, our perceptions and conclusions about the world and life come from our programming as children. We form conclusions about life based on what we learned and experienced as children. We learned three ways:

Our beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies and we always act in accordance with our predominant beliefs.

Are you even aware of your motivations or beliefs?

The Enlightened Warrior Training Camp is an intense program of…
“Do you need to be better?” I suddenly realized how almost all of my life I had been driven by the need to be better.

The key to happiness is to learn to love and accept ourselves, forgive ourselves and realize we are worthy. We do deserve the very best of everything.

Once we become aware of what we are doing and why we are doing it, we can begin to change it. This second step is to seek understanding.

As adults we have the power to choose: to choose our friends, our life and our beliefs about ourselves.

A belief is just a thought pattern and it can be changed. How to change your beliefs:

The third step to permanent change is to change your beliefs, to reprogram your mind. With my clients I often incorporate hypnosis as a way to access the subconscious mind where the beliefs are held and stored. You can achieve the same result using a simple three-step process.

Now you know what values are important to you, what qualities you want in your perfect match and you are working on building your self-worth to attract your soul mate. There is only one step left that will bring you the powerful results you are seeking.

Remember: What you focus on expands. It becomes your dominant thought. The same applies to finding your soul mate.

Emotionalize What You Visualize.

A unique exercise that will make you an instant magnet for your soul mate!


Q: Will my soul mate and I have identical interests? Q: Will our relationship be trouble-free?

Q: How can a couple that doesn’t meet until they are older, grow together? Haven’t they already created their values in life?

Q: Can I love someone who is not my soul mate?

Q: What if my soul mate and I grow in different directions?

Love is the most important thing in life. Love nourishes the heart, mind, body and soul. And when we are able to freely express and receive love we truly feel alive and joyful. To allow ourselves to be loved only occurs when we first love and accept ourselves.

Love begins with us. As we learn to love ourselves we automatically send out the signal and call to our soul mate. Only when we truly know what we want and believe we are worthy of it can we reach for it. And when we learn to love ourselves then we will notice our soul mate and perfect match and he or she will also notice us and be attracted to us.

Remember, be gentle on yourself, be patient, keep working on you and you will attract your soul mate, your perfect match at exactly the right time and then you will be truly ready to experience and express love in all its glory and be able to be happy in love.

See also Patrick’s first Soul Mates book: “Soul Mates –Discovering, Sharing & Loving”  Copyright WOW Media 2004



The post Soul Mates – Find Your Perfect Match Now! – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

Finding God – Spiritual Strategies To Help You Find Happiness, Fulfillment And Inner Peace – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/finding-god-spiritual-strategies-to-help-you-find-happiness-fulfillment-and-inner-peace-ebook/ Thu, 26 Dec 2013 04:49:20 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=159 Finding God - Spiritual Strategies To Help You Find Happiness, Fulfillment And Inner Peace by Patrick Wanis - eBook

The post Finding God – Spiritual Strategies To Help You Find Happiness, Fulfillment And Inner Peace – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.


Finding GOD –Spiritual Strategies to Help YOU Find Happiness, Fulfillment and Inner Peace


More than 2,500 years ago, the ancient Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism, Lao Tse wrote:

The Way that can be described
is not the absolute Way;  

The name that can be given
is not the absolute name.

Nameless it is the source
of heaven and earth;

Named it is the mother of all things .

In spending years devoted to research, thirsting for knowledge and truth, I became astounded by the revelation that what I once thought to be truth was not necessarily so. My studies and life experiences opened my mind and revealed to me that my knowledge was just a small slice of the greater knowledge of life and its mysteries. I also learned that I was not alone in my quest -man has forever been searching for God as a way to understand himself, his purpose and the key to peace and happiness. Almost from the beginning of time, man has posed the questions, “Who is God? Where is God? Can I speak with God? How do I find God? Why do I need God? Is God the answer to easing man’s pain and chronic anxiety?”

This book is based on my search for God, my research, study, travels and deeply powerful life-changing experiences. It doesn’t pretend to be the truth. Put simply, it is my truth.

Here unfolds a journey that resulted in wide-ranging experiences from the painful and frustrating, to the joyous and adventurous. My conscious and unconscious search for God spans early childhood through adulthood. This book relates how I found God and inner peace in today’s high-tech, fast-paced materialistic world. And in sharing my story with you, I hope that you too may enjoy peace and a blessed life.

Everyone’s life path is different and if your desire is to find God and peace, then you will. Be aware, it may not happen the way you expected. I encourage you to use your own discernment as you move on your spiritual path, and I humbly support you to follow your heart and intuition. Ultimately, my hope is that you will come to your own place of knowing what is true and beneficial for you, that which will give and fill your life with meaning, purpose, joy and beauty.

Finding GOD©
Spiritual Strategies to Help YOU Find Happiness, Fulfillment and Inner Peace.”
-By Patrick Wanis
WOW Media, 2005

Table of contents
Author’s Note……………………………………………..5

God and Peace ………………………………….………..9

What Is God?………………………………………….…13

The Changing Concept of God ………………..………..20

Journey toward Peace ……………………….……..….30

Religion and Spirituality ……………………………….…37

God is Love …………………………………………………41

The Power of Forgiveness ……………………….……..47

Tolerance and Compassion……………………………….55

Strategies for Inner Peace …………………….….……58

Questions and Answers………………………………..71

Afterword …………………………………………..…..78



The connection between finding God and finding peace.

Why search for God?

Now more than ever
-Why we need God and peace now
-What is missing in our lives?


The author’s story and childhood concept of God

When we say “God”
-What do we mean when we use the word, “God” in everyday language, phrases and to express various emotions

Defining Peace
What is peace?

African Gods in Gambia
The author’s experiences in West Africa with blends of Christianity, Islam and JuJu


Do you know there are 34,000 separate Christian Faiths?

Animism –The First Religion

Goddess Worship
-The first gender given by man to God

The Male God
-A brief history of how man decided God is a man

The Old Testament God

A vengeful God or a God of love?
-Did God change from the Old Testament to the New testament?

Is God a man or a woman?

Searching for God at Mt Moses
-Is God only to be found in Holy places?


Man has always believed in a God or supernatural being
Did God create us or did we create him in our mind and brain?

Where does God exist?
-In a specific country, church, temple or synagogue?

A new and changing faith
-man’s evolving concepts of the role of God over the earth


The distinction between God and religion
What is spirituality?

A Course in Miracles
-A new spiritual thought system


The writings of the Sufi mystic, Rumi and his concept of how to experience God

Definitions of love

Loving the self
-Why we need to love ourselves
-How negative emotions block us from experiencing God


The link between true peace & love and forgiveness

What is forgiveness?

Benefits of forgiveness

How to forgive

Releasing Anger

Forgiving Ourselves
-Using the example of Jesus and God’s mercy to help us to forgive ourselves


The Dalai Lama and his thoughts on peace and compassion


The chemistry of Kindness
-How every act of kindness benefits the person being kind and the person receiving the kindness

An end to prejudice
How love and compassion changed the author


Exploring strategies in all areas (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) that lead to inner peace

How to Enhance your physical well-being

How to Reduce stress

How to deal with your emotions

How to mend broken relationships
-a seven-step process to asking and receiving someone’s forgiveness

-what is prayer
-The benefits of prayer

-The distinction between prayer and meditation
-Benefits of meditation

Seek overall wellness
-Making the best use of your energy reserves


Q: Where was God on September 11th?

Q: From where does evil come?

Q: Why does God allow sickness or natural disasters?

Q: Does God punish us when we sin?

Q: What does it mean that God is love?

Q: Is it evil or wrong to be rich & have material possessions?

Q: What is God’s name?


I do not believe there is any one person who can offer you all the answers to life’s mysteries. The search for God has left many people confused because they searched with their head and not their heart. It is not possible to answer every question that arises. My childhood questions about eternity and who created God could not be answered then or now. Our human mind is limited and so, there are certain concepts such as eternity that are beyond our understanding. Nonetheless I have concluded it to be true that inner peace comes from finding and knowing God, and that we experience God when we express love. The opposite of God is fear in all its disguises: guilt, blame, shame, punishment, judgment, anger, bitterness and revenge. The expression of love is forgiveness, compassion and kindness for others and ourselves. I hope that you might allow love to fill your world, heal you and your relationships thus bringing peace and happiness to you, your family and the people around you.

The post Finding God – Spiritual Strategies To Help You Find Happiness, Fulfillment And Inner Peace – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

What a Woman Wants And How To Give It To Her – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/what-a-woman-wants-and-how-to-give-it-to-her-ebook/ Tue, 24 Dec 2013 15:06:07 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=142 What a Woman Wants - And How To Give It To Her by Patrick Wanis - eBook

The post What a Woman Wants And How To Give It To Her – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

What a Woman Wants – And How To Give It To Her – eBook

Second Edition completely revised and expanded
Earlier editions were published under the title of “How to meet a girl…”



What does a woman want? What does it take to truly please and satisfy a woman? What is the one thing that a woman is ultimately looking for? How does one connect with a woman at a deep level? What does it take to win over a woman? Are women’s attitudes to sex that vastly different from men? Why do women change sexually once they are married?

Many people have asked me how is it possible for a man to know what a woman wants when women do not even know what they want. Women do know what they want. Many women simply do not know how to verbalize what they want. Women are complex creatures. Women confuse men because men are primarily logical (“thinkers”) while women are primarily emotional (“feelers.”) So how do we figure out what woman really want?

Many men believe that women want only love, while men only want sex. False. There is also a long-standing belief that only men enjoy sex. That is absolutely false. Women enjoy sex just as much as men. Women approach sex differently to men and they look for different things when choosing a partner. Women primarily view sex as emotional while men view sex as physical. Women are also fussier than men when it comes to choosing a sexual partner. Women use their own criteria when deciding whom they will or will not sleep with, and men generally have major misconceptions about what are women’s criteria.

It is true that women generally don’t move as fast sexually as men do, but the Feminism movement has changed the parameters of the dynamics between men and women. Feminism is the belief that women should be liberated as individuals and equal to men. For some women that liberation means they have new views on sex.

Accordingly there are five types of women with regards to sex:

  1. The woman that uses sex to win/please a man
  2. The woman that is looking for physical sex
  3. The woman that has frequent sex with different partners
  4. The woman that refuses to have sex
  5. The woman that seeks emotional connection via sex

Some insecure women will have sex with a guy they just met to please him and gain his approval and acceptance. Some women will have casual sex frequently with different partners. Often these women have a history of sexual abuse as children, and as they get older will eventually turn against sex, and loathe it. Some women refuse to have sex. They may have been molested as children (and are anti-sex), or they are saving themselves for marriage. Most women, though, fall into the last category (seeking emotional connection via sex), while a small percentage are looking for fun and adventure without commitment. On any given day, a woman may fall into a different category. In other words, the woman that normally seeks emotional connection via sex, may today, just be in the mood for plain physical sex, with no strings attached. It is the feminism movement that has made it acceptable for women to seek sex without commitment.

Therefore when you know the techniques, have the right strategy, know what a woman wants, then you can give it to her and win her over at the same time, whether that means sex or a committed, meaningful relationship.

Based on years of research, personal experience, and studies in human behavior, hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (an advanced communication and mind persuasion technique), I will share with you priceless knowledge, tools and techniques of what women want in a man and how to win them over.

In this book I reveal:

What women want in a man

  • What woman want
  • And what woman really want
  • What woman want in a man
  • Amazing secrets about women that will help you to understand what women want
  • How to connect with women
  • How to seduce women
  • The ultimate secret of how to win over a woman
  • How to help her achieve the intense emotional state of love and ecstasy
  • How to get her to initiate sex

Let’s get started.

And how to give it to her
-By Patrick Wanis, 2003



What is the perfect pick-up line?
A few tips
The most powerful pick-up line
Sample openers and pick-up lines that work well in almost any venue and with any age
The very best pick-up line is a…
Pick-up lines to avoid


What does it take to seduce a woman?
Seduction Tricks and Triggers
Control and seduction
Supreme Confidence
The two approaches that attract women
Sincere nervousness



The key to the art of conversation
Sample scenario
The power of a smile
Other tips on the art of conversation
Treat Her Like A Lady
The many different ways to show her you care



What are women looking for in a man? This is one of the most asked questions in history and probably one of the hardest questions to answer.
The myths and beliefs about what type of man attracts women:

  • Money
  • Good looks
  • Power
  • Fame
  • Exclusivity
  • Personality

What a woman really wants

Ultimately there is one thing that every woman wants… Later I explain how you can help bring about those feelings in a woman.
Communicating with women
How men communicate and how women communicate, and why there is often a communication breakdown and what woman want in a man
Touch and body language
We communicate three ways…
Some simple suggestions to help her feel good about herself and, in turn, about you
How to Approach a Woman
How to impress a woman
Gain Her Trust



Physical turn-offs
Behavioral turn-offs


As a hypnotherapist, a common complaint I hear is “We’ve fallen out of love” or “I miss my ex, he was the only person that made me feel so special and in love.” I explain to my clients that, “Whatever you feel when you are with the other person is not created by them but by you.” In other words your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife doesn’t and can’t make you feel anything. You give permission to feel and experience something that already exists in you. They don’t put feelings in you; they spark the feelings that already exist in you.
The key to win over a woman is to help her experience that intense state of love and ecstasy with you!


Determining the best venues to meet women according to the type of woman you want to meet and really seduce want woman


Human Pheromones directly stimulate a person’s sexual behavior
Studies in Pheromones
How to use Pheromones 
Beware of pheromones made from monkeys


Almost every one of us has experienced meeting someone for the first time and the other person says, “I feel like I have known you forever.” Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP.) and hypnosis offer techniques to create this feeling with almost anyone and to connect and communicate with the deep recesses of the minds of that person and accordingly affect change.
The technique of how to lead a woman into thinking and feeling that you are the man of her dreams
How to build instant rapport
How people express themselves in language
The five representational systems
Breathing and speaking
Keeping it simple
Mirroring and matching
How to access and recreate in a woman the emotional state of love and ecstasy
How to link and anchor her emotional state of love and ecstasy to you


Now that you understand the basic steps and process required to win over a woman, let’s look at all the strategies necessary to seduce a woman.
Act now
Successful communication
Supreme confidence.
No begging
Nothing to lose
Don’t take it personally
Bitter girls
Never give up
Succeed by first failing
Be humorous
Be flexible
Don’t take it seriously
Focus on her
Impress her
Don’t ask for her number
Compliment without emotion
Ask questions -show sincere interest
Mirror and match
Pacing and leading
Keep the phone call short
Put the ball in her court
It’s OK to walk away
Get a life
Take charge
Show your emotions
Set your standards
Focus on what you want
Mental picture method
Believe it
It’s not about you
Game over
Saying Goodbye


The kiss can open or close the door to a woman’s heart and body.
What’s in a Kiss?
How to handle the initial kiss
How to kiss passionately
How to French Kiss
Who women want to kiss
Men and kissing
Women and kissing
Kissing and sex
What kisses women want
Now let’s talk about where they truly like being kissed…
The top eight worst kisses
What women feel to be the kisses that shoot down their libido and are ultimate turn-offs:

  • Deadly Breath
  • Boring me to death
  • It’s flooding
  • Silence
  • Crocodile Skin
  • Rough ride
  • I can’t breathe
  • DOA


The term aphrodisiac refers to something, such as a drug or food that arouses or intensifies sexual desire.
Types of aphrodisiacs
Aphrodisiacs and the six senses


  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Fragrances
  • Prescription products
  • Natural products
  • Spices
  • Miscellaneous

Aphrodisiac spices
Aphrodisiac Food
Aphrodisiac actions

What else you can do that will act as an aphrodisiac to excite your woman, even when she is your wife!



Putting it all together



The post What a Woman Wants And How To Give It To Her – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

How to Find Happiness – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/how-to-find-happiness-ebook/ Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:38:00 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=138 How to Find Happiness by Patrick Wanis - eBook

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How to Find Happiness

The search for happiness


Many of us expect to be happy when we land the perfect job, find the perfect partner, house or car. Some of us expect to find happiness when we retire or amass the right amount of money. Others still expect happiness with that break or acting job or when the kids leave home, or when the divorce finally comes through. Then when we get those things we still find ourselves unhappy. So what does it take to be happy? What is happiness? Why try so hard to be happy?

Australian Behavior Expert and Celebrity Life Coach Patrick Wanis sits down for a discussion with one of his clients who poses powerful questions surrounding the pursuit and realization of happiness. Through the conversation, Patrick helps to define happiness and gives you the master keys and techniques to find happiness now.

Excerpt from the Foreword of
How to Find Happiness:

I have noticed from working with clients from all walks of life that the answer to happiness becomes even more perplexing and elusive to so many people as they get older, and everything that they thought would bring them happiness seems to have failed.

Angela is hypnotherapy client of mine who thought relationships and love might bring her happiness. Angela is a writer and performer who has devoted time and research looking into what drives people into relationships. She became increasingly curious about why people spend so much time and energy trying to find something to give them a sense of completion or fullness. After living alone, performing and traveling in different countries for the last 6 years, Angela left behind many people who were important to her. She had been in several intimate relationships but never seemed to be able to achieve the happiness and potential she believed a loving relationship could provide her. At the time I met her, she was having difficulty feeling connected to a permanent sense of love. Despite how independent and free her daily life was, Angela was realizing how she had been emotionally dependent on others for her sense of happiness – for almost all of her life!

Angela raised the question whether happiness can be found in the love that we receive from another person. And even though Angela had moments and memories where she was truly satisfied with her life, she found that she still deeply yearned to discover greater happiness by being connected to others. Angela had become aware of how certain connections, especially her relationship with her parents, have taught her so much about herself and what she truly desires from life.

She challenged me to answer why relationships are such a great cause of our happiness and sadness; why we have relationships; and what greater purpose do these connections serve in our lives? Today, with the change in roles for men, women, children and families, Angela believes relationships play a big part in teaching us about who we are and what we want from life. Amidst all this change we are forced to ask what remains constant for us – what are we all really looking for to give us a sense of happiness?

In response to Angela’s questions, I decided to sit down to share with others all that I have learnt about how to find happiness, within you and with another person.


The post How to Find Happiness – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

Soul Mates: Discovering, Sharing and Loving – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/soul-mates-discovering-sharing-and-loving-ebook/ Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:26:53 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=135 Soul Mates: Discovering, Sharing and Loving  by Patrick Wanis - ebook

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Soul Mates: Discovering, Sharing and Loving

Also read Patrick Wanis’ follow up book, “SOUL MATES –Find Your Perfect Match Now!”

In 1955, the Platters had a huge hit with one of the most romantic songs of all time – Only You. The song sums up many people’s romantic beliefs about a soul mate – only you can thrill me…only you can fill my heart with love…you are my destiny…you are my dream come true.

Many of us believe that there is, indeed, one person who is destined to be with us, fill our every need, complete us and make us eternally happy – a soul mate.

But do we have just one soul mate, and is our soul mate always of the opposite sex? Is our soul mate someone who thinks the way we do, loves the things we love and believes in us? How do we find the name of soul mate? And how do we recognize and find our soul mate?

In this book, I explore the idea of soul mates and explain how to find yours – and a life of love and happiness.

Soul Mates©
-Discovering, Sharing & Loving

-By Patrick Wanis
WOW Media, 2004

Only you                                              6
What is a soul mate?                              8
How to recognize your soul mate              17
Where to find your soul mate                   24
How to attract your soul mate                 29
Do opposites attract?                             33
When you find your soul mate                  44
Advice for soul mates                             60
Love nourishes the soul                          68
About the author                                   74

by Patrick Wanis


The difference between the soul and spirit…
Here are some types of soul mates:

The concept of a romantic soul mate, the one person who can complete us (our missing half), dates back to 360 B.C. when the Greek philosopher Plato told his story of creation in the Symposium…ETERNAL SOUL MATES

The concept that there is an eternal bond and love between two people that crosses time, distance, suffering and all obstacles…

Another concept of the soul mate relates to the belief that two people who knew each other in a former life are almost mirror images of each other in this life…

Some people believe we return to earth in human form many times so we can learn lessons in each lifetime that will help us to grow and eventually return to God…

This person might be a kind, encouraging teacher who demonstrates with positive example, offering us guidance and advice, even acting as a mentor. Or this Karmic Partnership soul mate might be an enemy or someone who simply presents us with many challenges, pushing our buttons and forcing us to deal with our issues…This relationship may or may not involve a romantic partnership.

The final concept is that our soul mate is predestined – that our true love was already made in heaven. The 1987 movie Made in Heaven expresses the dream of finding that one true love….

…In its exploration of our deep desire to find one true love, the story also reflects a fear common for many of us – time is running out and we may never find our soul mate.

…This illustrates the concept that soul mates have been each other’s true love in a previous life, so they feel deeply connected in this one.

With so many definitions, concepts and beliefs about what a soul mate is, how can we know which one is correct? Or if, in fact, there is just one soul mate for each one of us?

All of the soul mate concepts have one thing in common…

But we still need clarification and help to recognize our soul mate.

Here is the key – right now in your life you are surrounded by a number of soul mates – generally five…

These soul mates are…

…These are the people who love you, challenge you, teach you, support you, honor you, encourage you, serve you and help you directly or indirectly to learn more about your true nature and essence – love.

These are the people who have the greatest emotional impact on you…

Soul mates help each other grow…

Almost everyone has experienced love at first sight. You meet or see someone for the first time, you may not even have spoken yet and somehow you feel a strange inexplicable attraction.

There is a fascination not based on physical attraction. You feel a bond, a connection, an affinity – almost as if you already know each other…

You might find yourself saying the following:

  •  “I know we’ve just met but I feel   like I already know you.”
  •  “I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know you.”
  •  “It feels like we’ve known each other for years – maybe forever.”
  •  “When I’m with you I feel complete – as if I’m home.”
  •  “I can’t imagine my life without you.”

This is what we refer to as the soul connection. It’s the bond that goes beyond physical attraction. It involves a mental, emotional and spiritual connection.

And don’t be surprised if you experience this with someone of the same sex. It may or may not involve obvious romance…

Because I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist, many clients have requested that we use hypnotherapy so they can experience Past Life Regression. One was a Mexican man who approached me after one of my hypnosis shows in Cancun. He told me that he believed he and his girlfriend knew each other in a former lifetime.

I hypnotized him, took him back in time, and he was right. Sometime in the 12th century…

Another client who underwent Past Life Regression with me was able to identify almost seven people that she knew in former lives in her present life. One of those included me! I guess that explains why we are now such close friends.

Is there a magic place where your soul mate lays in wait for you?

It is said that you will only find your soul mate once you find yourself.
But what does that mean?
It means that when you’re ready, your soul mate will appear…

Is our love predetermined? Are we destined to be with this one person, our soul mate?

I believe, in every situation – be it romance, career or otherwise – destiny is the opportunity that has been laid out for us. Our fate is determined by how we respond to that opportunity.

Fate is the consequence of our actions. Destiny is the predetermined course of events beyond our human power or control…

There is no such thing as chance, fluke or sheer accident…

Understand one thing, though – your destiny won’t occur if you lock yourself inside your house and never venture outside or try new things. You can’t create a positive fate if you don’t respond to opportunities.

Once you decide to step out of your comfort zone and meet new people, how will you attract your soul mate? As I said earlier, you first need to find yourself in order to find a soul mate.

Sometime around 600 B.C., one of the Seven Sages inscribed the now famous words Know thyself on the Temple of Delphi in Greece.

Knowing yourself means…

After you really get to know yourself, then you can best identify what you want to find in your soul mate. Begin by…

Eric Butterworth is a popular minister who has inspired many people, including Oprah Winfrey.

In his book, Life Is for Loving, Butterworth says, “Love is not to be found. It consists not in finding the right person but in…

…This is the single best key to attracting your romantic soul mate.

Many people believe that opposites attract, but this is really not the case. Look at the successful, happy, healthy relationships around you. On the surface you may see a couple who appear to be opposites – she’s artistic, he’s a computer geek; he’s shy and quiet, she’s outgoing and talkative; she loves classical music, he adores rock ’n roll.

So what do these seemingly opposite people have in common? Their values…

That’s why it’s so important to know yourself, to know what you want and to become the kind of person you want to attract.

The significance of common values…

Sharing common values with your soul mate is a foundation of the relationship and a key to recognizing him or her. But that alone is not enough to attract your soul mate.

…the chains that bind your heart and prevent you from freely embracing your soul mate and from freely embracing and expressing love.

The chains are the negative emotions that are the result of all the things that you believe have gone wrong in your life…

Chains lock you in a zone you call comfort. But it’s not comfortable if you can’t do what you truly want, what your heart longs for – to love and be loved.

The key to unlocking your chains is to deal with the past, with your issues. What makes unlocking them such a challenge is their invisibility. Often we don’t even know what our issues are.

Before you can identify your issues, you need to be aware of what emotions you express and when you express them. What people and circumstances push your buttons? …

You need to know what you are feeling. Many of us are not even aware of what we actually feel. We refer to that as not being in touch with our emotions…

Many people express rage but don’t know where it comes from or what its roots are. For example, a man may get very angry at something his wife does. When challenged, he will say that it’s her fault and that she caused it. Is that the truth?

My father refused to accept that he was expressing anger and rage. In his mind, he was justified because my mother was late. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in touch with his emotions or with the cause of his emotions. He didn’t know how to express his true feelings…

After you recognize when and what you feel, you can ask yourself, “Where do those feelings come from?” What are you afraid of and when did you first experience that fear? By identifying the first time you felt an emotion, you can go back and heal that experience and its subsequent effect on you. You can’t change what happened in the past but you can change how you react to it in the present. You can change how you feel and perceive what happened to you in the past…
Dealing with your issues also involves:

  • Looking into your heart and identifying which people you need to forgive
  • Identifying what you need to forgive yourself for
  • Forgiving everyone
  • Releasing all negative emotions: shame, blame, guilt, resentment, self-punishment, bitterness, etc
  • Loving and accepting yourself as you are
  • Ceasing to seek the approval of others and learning to seek your own approval and acceptance

To be limitless in potentiality refers to our ability to forgive and love those who have wronged us and to forgive and love ourselves. This breaks the chains, allowing us to be free to love and be loved.

Once you believe you have found your soul mate and have entered a relationship, what can you expect? How will your life and world change?

The answer depends on whether or not this person is your soul mate. If you believe you’ve found your soul mate because he or she is perfect, enjoys doing everything you enjoy, thinks the way you think, believes in what you believe in, almost never disagrees with you – then the red flag is already waving and you simply can’t see it. The relationship will not last long at all.

Sample case study:
…The relationship didn’t succeed because she believes there should never be any form of confrontation or disagreement and because she chose not to open up and trust her partner with her innermost feelings, dreams and desires. She was thinking of the relationship as a one-sided affair – What can you do for me? This was a romantic relationship where her feelings were dependent upon what she would receive. She never thought of it as a partnership.

When two soul mates come together, they will form a partnership. They have a sense of equality. Both are growing separately together. The foundation for this partnership is support, safety, trust, openness and honesty.

If you begin the relationship with a façade – acting like someone or something you are not – there can be no partnership and no happiness. In other words, it is extremely critical to the success, growth and happiness of both the individuals and the partnership to be totally open. Intimacy is being able to tell everything to your partner, including your fears.

When you’re in a partnership with your soul mate and you face a challenge, your soul mate is there to support you by listening, guiding, comforting, encouraging and inspiring you…

The ultimate purpose of the partnership is to help you both grow, and experience and express deeper love than you ever have before.

We all desire a partner who loves, understands and supports us. We desire a partner who will add to our happiness and not make us unhappier then when we were alone.
The trap many people fall into is thinking that if they meet their soul mate, they will both be instantly happy and face no challenges or hurdles. That was the tough lesson my friend was faced with. As long as she continues to reject that lesson, she will never attract into her life her true soul mate…

Nonetheless, if we adjust our expectations and accept that there will be challenging times and some pain, does that imply we should be miserable in the relationship? Definitely not. The relationship is intended to help us grow and blossom like a flower, not choke us like a weed.

We need to be aware of false, unrealistic expectations that set us up for disappointment, heartache, frustration and misery. If you expect another person to be perfect, agree with everything you say and do or meet all your standards, you’ll miss out on the joy that can be had from a relationship. Also, do not expect your partner to make you happy! Read that sentence again…

In a soul mate partnership, the relationship is based on giving as well as receiving…

We also need to be conscious of what the attraction to our partner is based upon…

In a soul mate partnership, spiritual attraction – not physical or financial – is the primary attraction. That implies that the heart connection is the magnet – not the body.

As I explained to my friend, not all of the relationship will be smooth sailing…

This was one of the themes in the movie What Dreams May Come – eternal love that overcomes all obstacles – unconditional love…

One of the great fears often expressed to me is, “What do I do if I find out that my husband or wife isn’t my soul mate? What if I married the wrong person?”

The first step is to…

The next step is to understand that…

 By seeking the reasons for your initial attraction to your partner, you can identify what were – and possibly still are – your issues. If you chose him or her out of fear, then deal with that issue. If you were simply too young to know what you wanted when you chose this person, then deal with that issue.

As I discussed earlier, opposites do not attract. When you chose your partner, your issue at the time most likely prevented you from attracting your true soul mate. By healing your issues, one of two things will occur:

  1. Your relationship will flourish because you will be happier with yourself, you will create more love in the relationship and your partner will respond accordingly.
  2. You’ll become happier, like yourself more and feel less dependent on your partner. You may feel you have outgrown your partner. Remember opposites do not attract.

…If you are miserable in your relationship, change might be a blessing.

One of the key hallmarks of soul mates is the connection, bond and affinity between two people. They meet and sense that they have known each other before. For this to occur, there would likely be a connection from a former life – a previously shared love and life. In other words, the connection between soul mates had to have a beginning.

If you believe your present partner is not your soul mate, you can still turn your relationship into a soul mate relationship…

  1. The soul is continually evolving (otherwise there would not be any new souls) and 2. Even soul mates have to work to make a successful relationship.

The soul mate connection occurs when two people connect on a soul level. That is a much deeper level than just passion and romance. It is more powerful than physical attraction or chemistry. The very essence of our being – our soul, which lives after our body dies – is love. That is the divine aspect of our being – love. When we express love, we are speaking from our soul.

We have all heard the expression “to bare one’s soul.” It’s when you tell your partner everything…

How to overcome: “The biggest fear is that a partner who knows everything about them will reject them.”

We all want to be loved for all that we are – not half or part.

I teach that there are five ingredients in a healthy relationship – Love, Friendship, Companionship, Sex and Intimacy.

It’s possible to have one element without the others.

After the five major ingredients, there are six other elements that also play a significant role in building and keeping a relationship strong so that both partners feel loved and fulfilled:

(A detailed explanation of those Six Elements)

“The greatest lesson you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”

This is the essence of our soul and its evolution – to love and be loved. We all long for love and it is love that nourishes the soul.

In his book The Science of Love, Anthony Walsh defines love as “that which satisfies our need to receive and bestow affection and nurturing; to give and be given assurances of value, respect, acceptance and appreciation; and to feel secure in our unity with, and belonging to, a particular, family.”

He identifies three types of love – parental, social and romantic – and says that maternal love (or similar) is a prerequisite for survival…

Filling ourselves with love involves one basic principle…

Begin now to love yourself. Remember: You cannot give away what you don’t have. You cannot demonstrate what you don’t know. Begin now with yourself.

You can show love for yourself by…

The more you like yourself, the more able you are to like others and to allow others to like you. In turn, you will naturally see more good in others and in yourself…
The Greek word for love used in the New Testament is agape. Agape refers to a brotherly love, a love for all human beings, a love of compassion, kindness, caring and acceptance. This is the love that emanates from and resonates within our soul. This is our deepest desire – to be able to express love and make the soul connection, experiencing profound joy and happiness.

When we are able to express love freely, with no bounds or conditions, we open the way to receive the same in return.


Also read Patrick Wanis’ second soul mates book, “SOUL MATES –Find Your Perfect Match Now!” Copyright WOW Media 2005.

The post Soul Mates: Discovering, Sharing and Loving – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.

How to Hypnotize Anyone – eBook https://www.patrickwanis.com/product/how-to-hypnotize-anyone-donwloadable/ Fri, 20 Dec 2013 08:34:54 +0000 http://patrick-wanis.com/?post_type=product&p=120 How to Hypnotize Anyone by Patrick Wanis - ebook

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How to Hypnotize Anyone!

– Do you want to hypnotize people?
– Can you hypnotize people?
– How do you hypnotize people?
– Can you hypnotize yourself?

Learn to hypnotize others right now

Also check out the link on Hypnotherapy.

Click here for the audio book read by Patrick Wanis


-By Patrick Wanis
WOW Media, 2002

CHAPTER: Can You Hypnotize Me?

CHAPTER: The Power Of The Mind
Mind over body
The raw onion

CHAPTER: How the Mind Works
Imagination and thought
The inner voice
Reprogramming the inner voice
Hypnosis Heals
A powerful tool
Past life regression

CHAPTER: States of Hypnosis
Altered states
Am I in a trance?
Levels of trance: Unsusceptible, Hypnoidal , Light, Medium/Deep, Somnambulistic
The deepest states

CHAPTER: How Powerful Is Hypnosis?
Truth serum
Can I control people?
Hypnosis for lasting changes
Hypnosis for love
Post Hypnotic Cues

CHAPTER: Getting Started
How hypnotizable are you?
Hypnotic techniques and secrets
Three keys to successful hypnosis
Hypnosis in 30 seconds
Sleeping hypnosis
Look into my eyes
Other hypnotic techniques: Multiple hypnotists, Noise, bright lights, Hypnosis and magnetism, Hypnosis by command, Mass hypnosis, Psychic powers?, Beat him till he’s hypnotized, The Bulldog method

CHAPTER: Step-by-Step Techniques
The Maternal Method
The Paternal Method

CHAPTER: Stage Hypnosis
Dangers of stage hypnosis
Stuck in trance forever
Successful stage hypnosis
The fun begins
Hypnotic routines and suggestions
Coming out

CHAPTER: Hypnotizing Yourself
Relax your body
Relax your mind
Give yourself a suggestion
Coming out


About The Author

The post How to Hypnotize Anyone – eBook appeared first on Patrick Wanis.
