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7 Signs of Emotional Maturity

In this week’s Success Newsletter, I would like to reveal the 7 signs of emotional maturity.

First a quick update:

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Follow me on Twitter– You can now choose to follow me and receive a few words of wisdom on Twitter: @Behavior_Expert

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Now, let’s talk about the 7 signs of emotional maturity.

Two people were arguing when one of them became frustrated and blurted, “You are immature!” Of course, he was not referring to physical maturity, since the other person was 30 years of age. His observation or interpretation of the other friend referred to that person being emotionally immature.

Emotional maturity is defined as how well you are able to respond to situations, control your emotions and behave in a productive manner when dealing with others.

Here are the 7 signs of emotional maturity.

1. You are responsible person
You are able to respond to situations in a productive, positive manner. You acknowledge when you are wrong and you avoid blaming others for your situation. You understand and are open to learning about the decisions you made or the ways you contributed to or created your current situation. You learn from errors and mistakes and create a plan of action for the future.

You easily admit, “I was wrong.”

2. You express gratitude
This is not a cheesy, metaphysical principle; it is a principle that affects and changes your mindset (emotions, moods and life perspective) and builds relationships and bonds: the ability and practice of appreciating people, events, opportunities and things in your life. You are able to recognize the good things in your life.

You are able to easily say, “Thank you.”

3. You express acceptance
You are discerning and able to distinguish between the things you can change and control and the things which you cannot change or control. You accept the things you cannot change or control and you focus on the things within your power – namely changing yourself. You focus on expanding your strengths and diminishing your weaknesses and limitations. You avoid trying to control and change other people; you accept people and associate with people who match your values and principles.

You easily say, “I focus only on what I can change and control.”

4. You listen & seek understanding
You actively listen to other people; you allow them to fully speak and finish their thoughts and sentences. You respond to what they say rather than just waiting for them to finish so that you can blurt out your thought. You sincerely seek to understand the other person’s point of view and perspective. You seek to understand yourself and your actions. Remember, incessant talking is usually a defense mechanism designed to protect you from feeling.
You easily say, “I am willing to listen and understand you.”

5. You are Emotionally Intelligent
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, identify, regulate and stabilize your own emotions as well as understand, identify and potentially guide emotions in other people. Emotional Intelligence does not imply controlling other people; it implies that you are skilled in being aware of what other people are feeling and experiencing and responding in a positive, productive manner. Emotional Intelligence enhances your life and encourages you to express empathy for others. Emotional Intelligence also encourages you to acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers and that you are willing to seek wisdom i.e. you are teachable.
You easily say, “I know what I am feeling and why.”

6. You are compassionate and vulnerable
You are able to express compassion to others and yourself. Compassion is the ability to feel someone else’s pain along with the desire to ease that person’s pain. Compassion neutralizes judgment and harsh criticism. Compassion coupled with vulnerability opens your heart and allows you to feel things deeply. Vulnerability is the choice to be emotionally naked. Yes, it opens you to the possibility of rejection and criticism. However, you will never feel fully alive unless you are willing to be vulnerable. Vulnerability leads to intimacy – ‘into-me-you-see.’ You cannot truly love and be loved unless you allow yourself to be open, honest and vulnerable.

You easily say, “I am open.”

7. You display Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the art of observing with acceptance (free of judgment) your thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs. It gives you power because by observing them, you become detached from their control over you. Observing is an action that helps set you free from emotional attachment. You are able to enjoy and fully experience the present moment. Mindfulness allows you to be in the present moment – to use and engage all of your senses in what is happening right here, right now without being pulled to the past or the future.

You easily say “I enjoy the present moment.”

Finally, it is important to note that emotional maturity is not always directly related to chronological age. A person might be mature in years but immature emotionally. Emotional maturity is a choice and a skill that can be learned and developed. Beware of trying to change others who are not yet emotionally mature.

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I wish you the best and remind you “Believe in yourself -You deserve the best!”

Patrick Wanis Ph.D.
Celebrity Life Coach, Human Behavior & Relationship Expert & SRTT Therapist

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