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Can Children Be Divine Without Being Narcissistic?

Can Children Be Divine Without Being Narcissistic?
Can Children Be Divine Without Being Narcissistic?
Can Children Be Divine Without Being Narcissistic?

A US study of 650 teenagers reveals that if children could magically change their life, they would above all else, choose to be famous; above being more intelligent, beautiful or stronger. The study reveals that loneliness, depression, isolation and lack of appreciation were contributing factors to those choices because those children believe that fame will offer them a solution to those problems.

In another study in the 1950s, found that 12% of children surveyed believed “I am an important person” while the same study conducted in 1989 found that over 80% children surveyed believed “I am an important person.” This is directly related to the self-esteem movement of the 1980s which promoted that we are all important and wonderful people regardless of who we are or what we do. “The challenge is that the movement created a major shift and has resulted in rampant narcissism, entitlement and depression by people completely self-serving versus healthy self-esteem by people who are focused on serving as well as receiving”, says Human Behavior expert Patrick Wanis PhD.

What is the answer to raising children with healthy self-esteem who will be able to adapt to society free of narcissism, entitlement and depression? Is the answer to teach children that they are Divine creatures, a gift from God? Or, will that simply make them more narcissistic? Is the better answer, then, to teach children to focus on their behavior and actions, to contributing to the world? Or, will that make them focus on living as “human doings” rather than “human beings”?

Vicki Panaccione is a child psychologist, and she’s also the founder and director of Dr. Patrick Wanis and Dr. Vicki explore the roles of parents and how to raise children with healthy self-esteem. Dr. Vicki reveals her approach with 4 key strategies and her primary teaching to help bring forth the inner value of the person, separate that from the behavior, and keep encouraging children to move in the direction of what is positive and empowering.

Click below to listen to the interview.

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