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Category: Patrick in the Media

When All Of This Is Over, How Will We Have Changed?

Many of us identify with our possessions, and we are often clamoring to be somewhere else rather than where we are at this present moment. Now, though, we are forced to face ourselves. The question arises, who are you and what is really important to you in life? Every one of us is experiencing some form of loss.

Coronavirus: How To Stay Calm and Overcome Fear, Loneliness & Panic

Imagine now a time in the future when the pandemic is over and someone asks you, “How did you handle and survive the Coronavirus pandemic”? What would you say to them? This is a powerful exercise to help you to identify and articulate what qualities and character traits you need to draw upon now to formulate a healthy response to the crisis and pandemic.

If He Doesn’t Love Me, Then I Am Worthless

You created a belief that includes ‘should’ or ‘must’: He should love me (in this way) or I am no good; he must love me for me to believe and feel and experience that I am valuable, special and good enough. And if he doesn’t love me in the way I want and demand, then I know he is awful, life is awful, and I am nothing.

Are You In Love Or Are You Obsessed?

When you are consumed by thoughts about the other person, driven by a fear of loss or the fear that you’ve screwed up, and you’re thinking more about owning, controlling or possessing the other person, or you’re thinking more about how this person can benefit you or whether or not they will love you back rather than the love that you can express to them, then yes, you are experiencing obsession rather than love.

Can You Tame Your Monkey Mind? Here’s A Simple Technique

Your 65,000 daily thoughts, ramblings, rumination, restlessness, agitation, distraction, obsessiveness, prophecies of doom, and the incessant desire to keep moving are all the work of the monkey mind. So, who is in charge? Is it you or your monkey mind? Here’s a technique to help you tame the monkey mind.

Are You Feeling Sad After a Breakup? You’re Not Alone. 7 Steps To Overcome Sadness

The worst advice that anyone can give you when you are feeling sad is to tell you to stop feeling sad and instead be happy. You are not a robot, and the experience of intense emotions, both positive and negative, is part of being human. You cannot expect or long to experience ecstasy, joy, love and excitement without also recognizing that you will also experience pain and suffering.

Do You Own Your Decisions Or Do You Make These 3 Crippling Mistakes?

The 3 mistakes of internal blame (self-loathing), external blame (victimhood, excuses, blaming others) or drama and negative emotions (incessant anger, bitterness, negative energy and loss of impulse control) or, we can take extreme ownership (accept responsibility for everything in our world and focus on a solution and learn from the experience.)