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FINDING GOD – Spiritual Strategies To Help YOU Find Happiness, Fulfillment & Inner Peace

FINDING GOD – Spiritual Strategies to help YOU find Happiness, Fulfillment & Inner Peace!
FINDING GOD – Spiritual Strategies to help YOU find Happiness, Fulfillment & Inner Peace!
FINDING GOD – Spiritual Strategies to help YOU find Happiness, Fulfillment & Inner Peace!

“Man’s concept of God has changed and evolved in direct proportion to man’s personal evolvement. The one thing that remains constant is that the only true connection to God comes through the expression of love, compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others.”  – Patrick Wanis

Is God the answer to man’s pain & chronic anxiety? Here’s a small book that reaches everyday people who may not normally shop for a book – 

South Beach, FL… From the beginning, man has yearned to understand his purpose on Earth, the mysteries of the Universe, and his destination beyond mortal life. Patrick Wanis, a Therapist, Human Behavior Expert and Life Coach, has traveled the globe observing people strive and struggle with these notions. “I’ve noticed the common bond among people of all nationalities, cultures and socio-economic backgrounds is a deep and longing desire for inner peace and the ability to attach meaning to one’s life and existence. In this book, I explore the link between finding God and finding peace, because the two are inexorably connected. My journeys and research have also led me to the inescapable conclusion that unless you find your life’s purpose, embrace it, and live it, you will not find true peace and fulfillment.”

We live in exciting yet turbulent times. Our technological advances are astounding. But despite all of our progress, we are still captivated by uncertainty and fear – fear of crime, terrorism and nuclear war. We now have the ability to wipe out all of mankind. Have we truly evolved?

We have a plethora of material possessions: luxurious cars, houses, computers, gadgets and accessories. We can renew our faces and bodies with plastic surgery. Modern medicine can help us to live longer than ever before.  All of these advancements and material possessions are designed to make our lives easier, happier, and freer. Yet we are also the most self-medicated society in the world; the most gluttonously obese; and victims of the highest crime rates. We have become so obsessed with the fear of growing old and falling apart in the future, that we have rendered ourselves incapable of finding balance in our lives right now. With Americans more stressed than ever, we suffer from chronic anxiety, both collectively and as individuals.

If man has always been searching for God, then what makes this book any more relevant or revealing today?  “The difference,” Wanis believes, “is that God is not discovered by thinking, but by feeling… To find God and achieve peace we must think with our hearts and not our heads.”

This book is not shackled to or promoting any one religion or faith, but is about personal discoveryWanis weaves an impressive breadth of material, quotes, ideas and influences into a portable, easy-to-understand book. Wanis has created a mini-history of religion, much like Huston Smith’s classic
volume: a dialogue on the nature of religion vs. spirituality, that includes a self-help section and a powerful summary in the afterward of the most important conclusions. Take a uniquely inspirational journey with Patrick Wanis and discover them for yourself.

Wanis can discuss and answer audience questions on:

  • What is God?
  • The Changing concept of God
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • The Power of Forgiveness
  • Tolerance and Compassion
  • Strategies for Inner Peace

 Click here to learn more about “Finding God” by Patrick Wanis:

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